Tuesday, November 1, 2011

mourn with those who mourn

REFLECTION: funny, isn't it?,, that someone can afford to shed so much tears on Mufasa's death and Hachiko, but struggles to show sympathy to the death of a real person.. Romans 12: 15 says,". . . mourn with those who mourn.." this passage clearly defines that giving COMFORT is more than just merely staying alongside with the "emotionally-afflicted" people/individual.. we have to "feel what they feel" and understand thoroughly what they're going through.. as we have noticed, it's easier to understand the feeling of a cartoon character or a movie character when they're facing an emotionally depressing situation because we KNOW the story.. when we watch a movie, sometimes we get so "connected" with the characters and the story; consequently, helping us understand "what it feels like" to be in the characters' situation.. the bottom line is that we should be willing also to KNOW the story of the "emotionally-afflicted" by listening to their story.. coz it's pretty annoying when someone tries to comfort us by giving unsolicited advices and abortive solutions to our problems.. "a sensible person, even though in pain, detests a know-it-all person with a cure-it-all remedy.."

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